This group were really taking advantage of the new green grass growing. And it looked as though they really needed it. Pretty thin looking. Was hard to get a good picture of them as they had their noses right to that grass.
Am actually working on several new paintings and have even gone back to working on the Deeer that I was taking everyone through befor I got involved in Gallery opening, trips etc. Will post that in next few days. I had to take a trip over to Jackson yesterday. No fun going over Togwotee Pass. Wind and falling snow. This morning Dubois is really getting it. A winter kind of storm with falling snow, howling wind and a temperature at 10:30 am of 20 degrees. Visibility is near zero.Anyway ran into this gal standing in a nice mucky pond. "What? You want to take my picture? But I am not properly attired. Can't we do this later?"