Sunday, May 10, 2009

Both going to and returning from Jackson and dinner there we watched thousands of elk. They are moving across the 40 miles of Jackson Hole on their spring migration into the high country. It is a fun event to witness. Not seen by many.

Intense in spite of the cold and wind. Dinner at Bubbas[barbeque]in Jackson is my reward.

Not quite sure where I should post this. Here on my personal blog or on my Painting-a-day blog.

My wife and I went over to Jackson Hole yesterday with news from various folks that a grizzly was near the Oxbow Bend and easily photographed. We didn't find him but spent some time chasing around the countryside looking for critters and with the idea to do a little Plein Aire painting. Took the road up to Pilgrime Creek until we were stopped by a lot of snow. Had a picknic off the tailgate of the truck surrounded by snow and was wanting to do a painting there but it was cold and quite windy. Finally went to Pacific Creek and set up for this scene of the Grand Teton. Sometimes is fun to paint in the absense of much light as this was a very clousy day. Wind and cold. No grizzly but lots of elk. Saw probably 2-3000 head. One moose and various other critters.

9"x12" Plein Aire Oil Painting