The biggest advantage to having a busted foot is not having to carry in firewood. My wonderful wife is getting her exercise this winter in doing that as we use 2 wood stoves to heat the house and studio. Plus Vicki is a fanatic when it comes to walking and does so for several miles every day. Snow, rain, sleet, sun and hail.When I went to get the camera there were three deer just across the fence in background not the least bit concerned about her doing her chores. Soon as I showed up with this camera they departed. You can tell how awful the weather is here.
I spent a little more time working on this painting adjusting lights and darks in the myriad of leaves that I have going on here. I'll call it finished at this point but after letting it sit a while I may do a little more work on it.INTO THE OPENING 18"x24" Oil Painting.