I should be working on the Aspen, Mule Deer painting that I had been working on from some weeks ago and I apologize for those folks who are patiently waiting for me to finish it off. We have had a number of snow storms come through here in the last ten days or so and another this morning. I have a huge old Engleman Spruce tree just out my front door that really spoke to me with the way the snow had collected on its boughs. Every morning I have been greeted by the hooting of 2 Great Horned Owls that nest every year in a neighbors Pole barn. These are the same ones who put a pretty big dent in my cottontail population. It just seemed the perfect time and with inspiration I have begun this oil painting depicting the Owl on snow covered Spruce boughs. I've got things pretty well blocked in and beginning to detail out the top from left to right and quite a bit done on the Owl. Been working pretty steady at it as I will probably be interupted beginning wednesday as we will be opening up the gallery and the girls want to shampoo the carpet and will be pretty intense getting things hung properly, getting the water turned back on and all the other things it takes to get the season started. We are all anxious to be back in the gallery and this new season. My pardner, Tom Lucas has finished the Celebration in Arts show in Scottsdale, Arizona and I know he is sure anxious to get back home and get things going. Its been a long 3 months for him.