A big event for a little town that seems to have a lot of little events. The nations Christmas tree that will be installed in Washington D C was escorted into town by a number of horseback riders all carrying Wyoming flags as well as our nations flag. State police, Sherriff deputies, Forest Service police and Secret Service agents were everywhere. Speeches were made and anyone wanting to signed their names on the side of the truck. Mine included. Interestingly it was accompanyed by a second semi that carried support equipment for the tree including watering devices for it. Even though it is cut down it is fed 1600 gallons of water/day. After an hour the police escort and all headed out eastward and towards Washington. I had never thought of Secret Service people being involved with something like this but guess in this day it has to be done. Who knows what some idiot or terrorist might attempt. It certainly brought out the town populace which is pretty lean now with everyone off to Arizona and Florida for the winter. That is what happens to a small summer mountain town. A number of folks found their way into the gallery just to warm up over our blazing wood stove.
Had a nice visit with family members this weekend while still doing Gallery duty.from left is grand daughter, Kassi,newly graduated Dr. Leseberg now.[Physical Therapist.] Grand daughter, Calli Ward, her boy friend, Adam who came up from college for the weekend. My daughter, Kim. great grand son Jude, Benjie[Kims dog]myself keeping our gallery agent in tow, Tinker. In the front is her royal majesty, Evie Anna. Her parents and another grand daughter were on their way to a concert in Denver but harrowingly made it only as far as Cheyenne where they are currently snowed in. Ahh. Winter in Wyoming