Thursday, May 13, 2010

It has been another day of working the fire in the Gallery Wood Stove. Was supposed to be warmer and guess it did get into the lower 40's but snow squalls all day. Along with staying warm I worked on my East Fork Painting. Adding detail working top to bottom and left to right.


Arti said...

A beutiful work of art,Gary.And it seems funny, here we are having 113F weather in New Delhi!

Unknown said...

I'm actually envious you still have the cooler weather. East Fork is coming along beautifully Gary!

Unknown said...

Coming along beautifully as always. Love those Autumn (Fall) colors.

Keep cosy warm Vicki and Gary. sounds so cold there.

martinealison said...

Couleurs merveilleuses... belle peinture finale en perspective.

Autumn Leaves said...

Love the autumnal scene here, Gary.

Vicki Greene said...

I do enjoy watching your paintings develop and this one is a beauty. I am a little behind on my blogging so thanks for the picture and info on the train wreck too. Glad no one was seriously injured. Stay warm.

Susan Roux said...

Snow squalls in mid-May? I always thought we had it bad in Northern New England, but you've got us beat by a long shot! (makes me feel better somehow...)

Hope your staying warm, and off the tracks! Wow that's dramatic...

Elizabeth Seaver said...

Well, Gary. Good thing you've got plenty of things to do to keep busy while the snow keeps falling. Bless you! I'd be out of my tiny mind by this time of the year!

Your paintings are so lovely, and they take me back to my childhood trips to that part of the country.

debwardart said...

You always have a vision for your paintings and I enjoy watching them come together. I personally like the cool weather, not sure about the snow tho!

Anonymous said...

Wow! beautiful painting Gary :-)

L.Holm said...

beautiful painting, Gary. So much depth, and such a vast amount of detail. Gorgeous.
Wish we could send some of our warm weather your way.

Jennifer Wadsworth said...

I started following your blog ... now I've actually made a post to my own, and got the "connections" working. Feel free to visit the blog, or my website. Paint on!