Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I got back to my Deer today. working out detail on most of them and even beginning detail on the Sagebrush. The sun even came out. Snow melting. Just east of here there was 40" along the Wind River Mountin range and 30" in the Owl Creeks on the north side of the Wind River Basin. Lander down country had 20" and Riverton close by had 10". A large boulder fell off the cliff faces in the Wind River Canyon and landed on the Railroad tracks which was then hit by a train derailing the engine and a number of cars behind. This evening there is Deisel and Oil flowing into the Wind River. Our own little Oil Spill. That is a little over 100 miles east of here.


CountryDreaming said...

Such a peaceful parade of deer atop the ridge, looking cool and inviting you to count them. Meanwhile, a complete adventure unfolds just below with bounding boulders and twisting trains. Wow.

Celebration of Life said...

Wow, I had not heard about the rock in the canyon! All we get here is Utah news.

I am loving the deer painting!

martinealison said...

Cette peinture devient de plus en plus merveilleuse...
Merci pour votre gentil mail...
J'espère que le soleil reviendra vite chez vous.

Caroline Peña Bray said...

This is simply beautiful with the contrast of the cold snow and warm light. Sitting here in noisy central London I could feel the world slip away and my body melt as I looked at your art and read your words. A poetic scene even with its derailed train. I hope the oil won't be too much of a problem and that no one was hurt. Yours dreaming of wide open spaces, Caroline

Elizabeth McCrindle said...

This is really taking shape Greg just goes to show that patience with artwork pays off. We had a train derailment last year when a bridge part collasped as it was crossing. It was about 10 miles from us but the deisel and oil went in the water and I could smell it for months everytime I walked the dogs in the morning, hate too think of the damage it did to our little stretch of water:(

Anonymous said...

with your continuous observation of these deer, i can see how beautifully they are developing here.
sounds like you guys are having a tough time of the weather and that minature oil spill doesn't sound good.

Unknown said...

I love this painting Gary, such a wonderful compostion with the deer, and the contrast witht he snow.

Autumn Leaves said...

It always makes me so sad to hear of oil spills...I always hope that they somehow saturate back into the earth where they came from originally, doing no harm. Yet intellectually, I know it isn't so. Sigh... This painting is just so terrific, Gary.

meaningful life said...

Hi Gary
i like to appologize my late respond to you and to thank you for visiting my blog. i am glad you like my work. your work is fantastic and i am going to follow your work.
thanks again

Dean H. said...

Very well done deer painting, Gary! Love all the attention to detail. Makes me wish I had a bit more patience sometimes.

Question: Have you received either of the two emails I have sent you containing my Wildlife Art Challenge entry?

Samantha said...

Incredible painting- so true to life. So sad to hear of the acccident and oil spill- hope it is quickly contained.
Thanks for stopping by my blog - I left you a comment in your post from May 11th. Looking forward to following your wonderful artwork and amazing "goings-on"!!

Arti said...

Incredible details, Gary!Very beautiful looking deer--Amazing work.

Anonymous said...

Oh I so love this one Gary!

Michelle said...

Beautiful! Love the way the shadows fall on the left side of the hill and the deer.