Monday, August 24, 2009

I worked pretty hard all weekend to finish the two Sleeping Indian paintings that I have been posting. Here is one of my renditions of this beautiful peak over in Jackson Hole. 18"x24" Oil Painting


Unknown said...

Beautiful work as always, and a fantastic landscape to paint.

Tatiana said...

I love this one, Garry! What a sky!What a colors!.. Will be good to see it some day with my own eyes. I hope I'll be able to do it sometime.

Unknown said...

Just fantastic to see it come together, great atmosphere!

Gwen Bell said...

Both of these are fantastic! I know your client will be thrilled. It was nice seeing how you worked toward the finished pieces. Your ability to create such incredible depth and expansiveness in your work just floors me.

Anonymous said...

I like the closer view best. both are beautiful; this is just my pefeence. fantastic as always. One can t ake the imaginary hike down into the valley and on into the mountain just by gazing t this.