Friday, August 21, 2009

I had this little fellow and his mom come by for a visit last night. They were very cooperative in letting me get some good pictures. He should end up in a painting in the not too distant future.


  1. Took a few minutes to check back over your most recent posts - your part of the country is so fantastically gorgeous - I totally envy you! Love your quick draw gouache painting. Looking forward to seeing your next oil painting completed also.

  2. He's staring at you so hard maybe he's planning to paint you.

  3. How lucky are you!? He would make a fine painting himself.
    Viewing your paintings are like a breath of fresh air.

  4. thanks for all the comments.
    Cathyann, I have recently been experimenting with an underpainting of acrylic befor going to oil. Moatly thinking it will speed things up a bit. I think it does.
    Yeh. Katherine that might be true. Thats all we need in the neighborhood. Another artist.
    Sheila and Deb. I do reealize how lucky I am and do truely feel blessed for where I live. I mentioned on one of my posts how I have been spending quite a bit of time in the mountains the last few weeks. Maybe too much. The other day I spent the afternoon hiking into Lake Louise to get some pictures of the huge amount of runoff we are experiencing this year in the mountains. Wanted to catch the falls and cascades from the lake. Great picture day and even watched a Pine Martin running through the forest and some great shots of a Blue Grouse. Arriving back home I went to my computer to download pixs only to discover my film card lying on my desk. Shot pixs for nothing all day. Guess it will be back up the trail this coming week.
